Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trees and Me

Week 4

Maybe its the way the sunlight streams through the trees, or the sound of the Gunpowder river flowing smoothly past me, or maybe its the gentle sway of my hammock... but there is something about being out in the woods relaxing that just makes you think deeper. Like really ponder stuff...

This week, all of the RVR staff went on a staff retreat for 2 nights. It was a great trip filled with games, fun (human huntdown), and getting to know each other. We discussed our identity in God both individually and as a ministry. We took personality tests and analyzed how we best work together. It quickly became clear that the room was filled with many talented people; all with unique gifts to bring and different roles to fulfill. 
God created us that way. He created me to be me and no one else... if only I could remember that always.
Back at the Ranch, it is officially fall and I couldn't be more stoked. I have been patiently (or not so patiently) awaiting the changing of the leaves. Here it is upon us!!! In the past few days I have seen hints of red, orange, and yellow among the masses of green.
As I lounged in my hammock in the back woods of camp, I continued to think about who God created me to be. Soaking in my surroundings, I looked at the trees. They all stood so tall and proud knowing exactly what God created them to be. Ever growing. Ever reaching upward. They were created to do just that. To be green, to turn orange, to shed leaves, to grow them back, to create shade, to give oxygen, and to hold my hammock. They do a great job. Every single time. They know what God created them to do and they do it so faithfully. Every single time. Every time gosh darn it.
If only we could be as obedient and faithful to God's intent for us. Every single time. Maybe we would be as beautiful as the trees. If only...

Have you seen God in His splendors,
heard the text that nature renders?
(You'll never hear it in the family pew).
The simple things, the true things, the silent men who do things --
Then listen to the Wild -- it’s calling you.
-Poem by Robert Service

Go outside. learn something.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learn by doing

Week 3.
Our intern training is officially complete and I feel sore, bruised, scraped up, and accomplished.  I am certified to belay climbers, facilitate the giant swing, the zip-line, and the high ropes course... also I can tie all sorts of knots that I didn't even know existed.
To sum it up in one word: intense
It all started in the classroom where we learned the goals and philosophies behind outdoor adventure  ministry.  We talked about the importance of challenging participants to overcome fears and hesitations and encouraging growth physically, mentally, and spiritually through these struggles. It sounds good on paper, but does it really work?
Well hook them up to a couple ropes and send them 50 feet in the air to complete a series of seemingly impossible tasks (in the pouring rain). That'll do it. I can tell you from experience.

Walking up to the high ropes course, it is easy to miss the boulder with "Col 3:2" painted on it. This is what the verse in Colossians says "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Pretty appropriate.
The course is intimidating.
Because we will be coaching kids and groups through all of these activities, we had to successfully and safely complete them all. I was challenged. I was scared. I was hesitant... and I even know how it all works! It was intense. I was pushed. I grew. And I was joyful in victory at the end. After all of this, I truly believe in what this ministry does and am excited for all the kids and groups who will get to push their limits here at The Ranch. Can't wait.

We have had so much fun together as interns helping, encouraging, and laughing at one another. I learned that everything is more intense in the rain. I learned that shouting "I am intense!" when you are scared helps. I learned that it is more than possible to have fun even when you are terrified. I learned that your friends will laugh at you when you are stuck upside down with rain in your eyes. I learned that the knot that you/your friend tied will hold you if you did it right. I learned to trust myself and my friends. I learned to trust the Lord in all things.

The best part are the very real and uplifting relationships that are being formed through it all. What a gift from God.
This photo is partially similar to last week's, but I wanted you to see what the river is supposed to look like.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Flood.

Week two.
Gosh you guys. I am lucky to have found such a beautiful little camp tucked away in a valley between the rolling hills of rural Maryland. But isn't it always a bit overwhelming walking into a place where you have never set foot and you know no one? I think yes. 

On my first new day in a brand new place, I was prepared  to step into a world that I would come to know for the next year, just waiting to be discovered. 
But first I stepped right into a huge puddle. 

See the thing is that valleys flood...
Four days straight of rain and counting. It seems to be God's way of saying, "Welcome! Grab an umbrella, a pair of boots, and jump on in (or try to tread carefully, but either way your feet are going to get wet)!" Just like that, myself and the 5 other college aged interns were out there playing in puddles, becoming family, and standing in awe of the power of water.
The small creek that used to run through camp became a raging river. The bridges were under water and all we could do was observe. We sat, looked, and listened, waiting for the rain to let up. This is what we heard:  

"You clothed the earth with floods of water,
      water that covered even the mountains.
 At your command, the water fled;
      at the sound of your thunder, it hurried away.
 Mountains rose and valleys sank
      to the levels you decreed.
 Then you set a firm boundary for the seas,
      so they would never again cover the earth.
You make springs pour water into the valleys,
      so streams gush down from the mountains...
You send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home,
     and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor."
                                                     Psalm 104:6-13

Matt (the boss) read this Psalm aloud as we simply sat under the porch watching the river carve through our new home.
Just makes you think. If days 1-3 have been flooded (literally) with new experiences, awesome new people, and a new perspective of the power of God, what do you suppose the next 350 or so days have in store? I surely don't know. But with an open mind and an open umbrella, I'm ready to find out... and ready to see the sun again :-)
And even when I fall I'll get back up, for the joy that overflows my cup. Heaven filled me with more than enough, broke down my levees and my bluffs. Let the flood wash me.                                                         "Further Along" by Josh Garrels

Thursday, September 1, 2011

On the road again... again

Week One.
This first post speaks for the entire summer, so it deserves more than 1 photo...

This has been a summer of transitions and car rides. I have moved from one place to another to another and back again. There were good times with friends, quiet times alone, beautiful places, and some very boring open roads. This is how it went:
Kirksville (school), Schaumburg (home), Kirksville, Branson (kamp), Kirksville, Schaumburg (flew to San Francisco), Kirksville, Kansas City, Colorado Springs, Grand Canyon, Rock Springs TX, Branson, Kirksville, Schaumburg, Kirksville, Branson, Kirksville, Schaumburg, Milwaukee, St Louis, Schaumburg, And it isn't quite done yet. 

On Saturday I will be leaving from Schaumburg to drive to Manchester, Maryland... 
for a total of about 8,561 miles in the car. Which is about 150 hours (9000 minutes/6 days 6 hours).

I didn't realize exactly how far that was until I looked into it.
Literally across the country (Maine to California) 2 and a half times.
That is from Chicago to Alaska and back... twice!
Chicago to Paris and back if you could drive it.

... all that and I only broke down once (in Branson) and only got 1 ticket (in kirksville. for going the wrong way down a one way road. oops my bad).

The real photo of the week. me. in the car. are you surprised?