Saturday, December 10, 2011

Discipline part II

Week 15
Since we last talked, I have been all about having quiet time every day and its been going well.
I love when God is teaching you something. It is everywhere. Everywhere you go, every conversation you have, everything you read spells out what he means until you finally get it. So here we are talking about discipline again... I opened up a daily devotional that I hadn't read in a while and this is the first page I saw:
"...present [our] bodies a living sacrifice... (Romans 12:1). Sanctification means more than being freed from sin. It means the deliberate commitment of myself to the God of my salvation, and being willing to pay whatever it may cost.
If we do not sacrifice the natural to the spiritual, the natural life will resist and defy the life of the Son of God in us and will produce continual turmoil. This is always the result of an undisciplined spiritual nature. We go wrong because we stubbornly refuse to discipline ourselves physically, morally, or mentally. We excuse ourselves by saying, “Well, I wasn’t taught to be disciplined when I was a child.” Then discipline yourself now! If you don’t, you will ruin your entire personal life for God."
-Oswald Chambers

You hear that? Not just mentally, but morally and physically too?
I feel as though all this discipline talk is preparing me for something.
I don't know what it is but I'm excited to find out. Okay, and a little scared.

Deliberate commitment of myself to the God of my salvation, and willing to pay whatever it may cost.
Whatever it may cost.
I am willing.

These are old photos because both of my cameras are currently out of order :-/

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