Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meekness please

Week 22
We made it through Winter Meltdown 3!
This week the interns had the opportunity to go to a CCCA conference (Christian Camp and Conference Association). I seriously learned so much. About God, myself, ministry, community... man it was a good week. You can ask me about all of that another time if you want, but there is a little tid bit that has stuck with me.
Ephesians 4.
 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The rest of the passage is really good too, I suggest you look it up.
Walk in a manner worthy of the calling. What is the calling? To live a life glorifying to God, know Him, walk with Him, love Him, praise Him, be as Christ like as possible, spread the gospel, spend eternity with Him. Do we walk in a manner worthy of all that? Do my everyday actions deem me worthy of spending eternity with the creator of life?
Lets work on that.
Humility/lowliness, gentleness/meekness, patience, bearing with one another...
Lets look at the word meek. I have always thought of meekness as a bad thing. As weakness. In fact, the dictionary uses "easily imposed on" as part of the definition.
But in Greek, this word was used to describe a wild animal that was brought under control/discipline of its master. Discipline to bring all of our power and energy under God's dominion. To control our wild tendancies. The speaker described someone holding a cup filled with water. That person gets bumped around in life and water spills out. Now imagine a person holding a cup filled with Jesus. When that person gets pushed around in life, what spills out? Jesus. Discipline our actions and words to show nothing but Jesus. That sort of control takes strength. THAT is meekness.
And that is what I want.

1 comment:

  1. I can help you with setting up a chess board...looks like maybe you got frustrated.
