Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beautiful things

Week 33
The interns had the week off for our Spring Break! Wooohoo!
My dear friend Emily and I went on road trip out west. Since our plans changed so many times we sort of threw planning out the window altogether. We both got to visit our colleges, see some familiar places, and familiar faces.
Once we left Missouri, we just drove west.
We saw miles and miles of grasslands with mountains on the horizon. We stopped at many state parks, national parks, and waterfalls camping along the way. It's just good to be outside. As we drove I kept thinking about the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. These are the lyrics:
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things out of us
You make me new, You are making me new
There is nothing like being in God's creation and seeing new things to make you realize how beautiful our earth is. He made it beautiful.  He made it out of dust. The same God that made those mountains and made the oceans and the rivers and the animals is the same God who made you and me.
And just as He is able to make beautiful mountains out of dust, He is able to make beautiful things out of us. And he does.
I know it when I look at the people who surround me.

Wyoming landscapes for you to see!

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