Do you ever just feel overwhelmed? I do.Is it worth it? I've been realizing more and more that none of the everyday hassles are worth stressing about. These days the only things that really truly overwhelm me are people. I love people. We are commanded to love people. And when they are not well... physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually, it is a burden on my heart.
Is this okay?
I know that I have been called to care, empathize, and encourage. But to the point that it is heavy on my heart? Actually yes. In Romans, Paul describes this burden of lost souls on his own heart, "I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart." (Romans 9:2). Unceasing anguish.
Nothing in life should cause this much sorrow and anguish but that of a lost soul. The rest of it just isn't worth the energy. I really do believe that. But it seems lately that in addition to this burden, I have let my idea of my own inadequacies paralyze me.That is the part that is not okay.
I've been studying Exodus and was encouraged by a conversation Moses had with God. God tells Moses that He wants him to go set His people free from Egypt. Moses responds, "Oh Lord, I am not eloquent... but I am slow of speech and tongue." (Exodus 4:10) And what does God say? Oh yeah Moses, I forgot how inadequate you are?... nope.
He says, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” Not only does God know our limitations, but He created us just the way we are. And He will teach us just what we need to know if we rely on Him.Although Moses doubts his ability, the Lord guides and teaches him.
This is comforting to me. I know that I do not have the ability to save anyone but there is no reason to doubt myself. Because I also know that God will teach me what I need to know when/where He wants me to serve.
My desire is there and I am willing, Lord.
Take me, use me, and teach me.
Spring break road trip has just begun!
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